Noelle's Career Blog

Noelle's Career Content

How to Get Past Applicant Tracking Systems [Resume ATS Strategy]

How to Get Past Applicant Tracking Systems [Resume ATS Strategy]

If you’re applying to jobs online, you are likely ending up in Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS. An ATS is resume scanning technology that automatically accepts or rejects your resume based on information you provide. The ATS is designed to screen you out and can be tricky to maneuver. However, an ATS is not impossible to…


What Hiring Managers Look for on Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is the most powerful career management platform in existence. There are tons of benefits to being optimized on LinkedIn but the greatest benefit is being front and center on the venue most-visited by hiring managers hoping to find their next hire. So how can you make your profile as appealing as possible to the…


How to Ask For (And Get) a Killer LinkedIn Recommendation

There’s no greater feeling in the workplace than receiving recognition and praise for a job well done, especially when that praise is coming from your manager or senior leadership. A few words can make those late nights and early mornings seem completely worth it. While you may be tempted to bask in the temporary praise…


How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Headline

LinkedIn profile optimization is a critical part of job search strategy. But did you know that there is one profile part that is more important than all the rest? It’s true, not all LinkedIn profile parts are created equal. The LinkedIn headline is one of the most important profile parts. If you aren’t getting it…

How to Create Your Defining Moment

How to Create Your Defining Moment

The other day I was digging through some old pics for my job search training presentations when I came across this oldie but goodie of my MBA graduation day 5 years ago. It brought back sooooooooo many memories and also a huge feeling of gratitude for getting through what was a really tough period in my life and…

8 Ways to Accelerate Your Job Search on Linkedin

8 Ways to Accelerate Your Job Search on LinkedIn

Updated: March 2021 If you’re like the average Linkedin user, you have a profile and pop in from time to time to consume content, check on your connections or search for jobs.  If you’re similar to the average LinkedIn user you’re also not yielding a whole lot of results and wondering why.  Sound like you?…

Why Your Linkedin Job Search Strategy is an Epic Failure

Why Your Linkedin Job Search Strategy is an Epic Failure

Updated: March, 2021 If you’re like most career-focused professionals, you have a LinkedIn profile to compliment your resume and cover letter. You may even think your LinkedIn profile is actually pretty good. However, don’t be fooled by the bells and whistles of this career platform. Just having a LinkedIn profile is not enough when you consider…


Is Your Linkedin Profile Working for You?

Updated: February 2021 LinkedIn is a critical piece of job search and career management strategy. If you have a LinkedIn profile you know how easy it is to set up an account and be present. But do you ever wonder if merely having a profile is enough? How can you be confident your LinkedIn profile…

First Job Advice for Every College Grad

Career Advice for College Grads

Graduating from college and jumping into the real world can be extremely overwhelming. I recall this period on my life feeling a bit like culture shock since I was totally unprepared for what lay ahead. I struggled for months in the job search and early career management which is probably why I’m so passionate about helping…


10 Ways to Leverage LinkedIn for a Career Change

Career changes can be intimidating, especially if you don’t have the necessary experience to make a seamless move. Add LinkedIn to the mix and career change can be even more daunting. How can you prove your fit on LinkedIn and make others believe you are capable of making the change? LinkedIn is a powerful branding…


9 Simple SEO Hacks to Make Your LinkedIn Profile More Searchable

Being searchable on LinkedIn is key for making sure your profile is attracting employers and networking contacts. Because LinkedIn is a search engine, you can become more searchable by leveraging SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategy. In this post I’ll share 9 simple SEO hacks you can use to make your LinkedIn profile more searchable.  How…

How to Boost Your Linkedin®  Profile in Search Results

How to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile in Search Results Using SEO Strategy

Updated: April, 2021 LinkedIn is one of the most powerful job search tools you can use for landing a job. However you have to know how to use it in order for it to be effective in your job search. Since LinkedIn uses Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to deliver search results to the searcher, LinkedIn…