Noelle's Career Blog

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In Job Search Best Practices

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6 Steps For Breaking Out Of A Job Hunt Rut

Before you continue your job search, you’ll want to know everything there is to identifying and getting around the job hunt rut.


10 Things You Should Avoid When Applying For A Job Online

Here are 10 mistakes you should avoid at all costs when applying for a job online.


The 5 Biggest Mistakes Every Job Seeker Makes

This E-Book goes over 5 mistakes you might be making in your job search.

How to Find High-Value Networking Contacts on LinkedIn

By Noelle | March 10, 2020

The online job search has an extremely low success rate. So how do you get into your dream company without applying online? A networking-based approach is the solution for uncovering …


Pros and Cons for Quitting Your Job Without Another One Lined Up

By Noelle | November 18, 2019

You’ve hit your limit in your job. It’s completely sucking the life out of you and you know it’s time to quit. However you don’t have another job lined up. …

10 Simple Money Saving Strategies For Your Job Search

By Noelle | January 3, 2019

Updated June 2020 Finding a job can be a job within itself – one that doesn’t pay, but instead, it costs you money. Since there’s probably a good chance you’re …

How to Tailor Your Resume and Become the Best Fit for the Job

How to Tailor Your Resume to a Job Description

By Noelle | April 19, 2018

You invested in a professionally written resume and now you’re ready to apply, using a resume that makes you proud. Not so fast! To maximize your chances of landing an …

How to Break Out of a Job-Hunting Rut [The 6-Step Plan]

How to Break Out of a Job-Hunting Rut [The 6-Step Plan]

By Noelle | January 22, 2018

Updated June, 2022 Getting stuck in a job search rut is easy to do and very common amongst the majority of job searchers I meet. If you’re not careful, or …

10 Things You Should Avoid When Applying for a Job Online

10 Things You Should Avoid When Applying for a Job Online

By Debbie Richardson | October 21, 2017

Online job applications make it easy for candidates to find and apply for dozens of jobs in a matter of minutes. As a result, recruiters are bombarded with resumes and …


Should You Apply for the Job or Not?

By Soozy G. Miller, CPRW, CDCC, CDP | June 26, 2017

Are you applying for jobs, but not landing interviews? This is one of the most common challenges faced by job searchers today and one that has a simple solution of …


Everything You Need to Know About Informational Interviews

By Soozy G. Miller, CPRW, CDCC, CDP | January 18, 2017

Updated: January 2021 The informational interview is a great strategy for making valuable industry contacts. Informational interviews also land jobs quicker than submitting online applications. In this blog post we …


How to Find Your Perfect Career Fit and Focus Your Brand

By Anne Grieves | January 3, 2017

With the vast amount of online job postings, it can be overwhelming to commit to one particular job focus. However, it’s a lack of focus that will prevent you from …


How to Create Your Career Plan in 10 Steps

By Noelle | December 19, 2016

Updated: January 2021 The end of the year is always a great time to hit “reset” and start anew when it comes to your career. In a perfect world, you’ve …


What Those Job Qualifications Really Mean

By Noelle | November 28, 2016

Updated: February 2021 The job search can be stressful and frustrating. Often, especially if you don’t have much prior job experience, sorting through job descriptions is discouraging. Job listing after …


Unique Skills That Each Generation Brings to the Workplace

By Noelle | November 22, 2016

Updated: January 2021 Each generation brings unique skills and benefits to the workforce. In this Infographic created by our AkkenCloud, we’ll share the differences in each generation along with tips …