Free Job Search Resources
Ebooks, guides, templates, and more to help you grow.

Free Video - Resume Writing Mini Course
A FREE Resume Crash Course where you'll learn how professionals like you are landing more interviews quicker.

Free e-Book: 10 Resume Eyesores
An introductory guide to the top resume mistakes and how to avoid them.

Free E-Book: How To Write The Perfect Linkedin Headline
A comprehensive guide to writing a LinkedIn headline that speaks to your professional brand (and hiring managers)!

6 Steps for Breaking Out of a Job Hunt Rut
Before you continue your job search, you’ll want to know everything there is to identifying and getting around the job hunt rut.

Job Offer Negotiation – How to get paid what you deserve
We’ll break down the offer in order for you to prepare to negotiate terms closer to your goals/objectives.

20 Questions You should never ask in an interview
Asking great questions can turn the a hopeless interview around; conversely, asking bad questions can be a death sentence for what started as a great interaction.
How to Tailor your resume and become the best fit for the job
To maximize your job search, you must customize your resume to the target role, company, and industry.
What is your salary expectation? 8 things you need to know about this interview question
Answering questions about salary may be low on your priority list, but it’s important to handle the conversation with confidence
10 things you should avoid when applying for a job online
Here are 10 mistakes you should avoid at all costs when applying for a job online.
How to Dress for a job interview
With something so important on the line, you don’t want your wardrobe to eliminate you before the interview starts.
The 5 biggest mistakes every job seeker makes
This E-Book goes over 5 mistakes you might be making in your job search.
How to fix your broken career resolutions – 6 simple tips you can use today
What happens when you just can’t seem to keep your job search resolutions from year to year?
6 Steps for Making a Career Pivot
Learn how to change careers by making a simple career pivot in 6 steps.
How to Answer the Interview Question: Tell Me About Yourself
It’s the question you can expect at the start of every job interview.
From Resume to Job Offer: Techniques by Noelle Gross – Career Sidekick Interview
The following interview was reposted with permission from Career Sidekick. I recently sat down with Career Sidekick to offer job search guidance to their readers. Keep reading to learn for …
How to Answer: “Tell Me About Yourself” in Job Interviews (Sample Answer Included)
“Tell me about yourself.” It’s the question you can expect at the start of every job interview. It’s also a question that can make or break your pitch to the …
How to Make Your LinkedIn Posts Private
Even though LinkedIn has been around for a while and boasts the largest online professional network, I still frequently encounter professionals who are skeptical of the platform. Many seem to …
Salary Negotiation: Should You or Shouldn’t You?
You’ve probably heard about the importance of negotiating your salary. But is it always advisable to negotiate or just in special circumstances? In this blog post we’ll share considerations for …
25 Best Executive Recruiting Firms for the Executive Job Search
Executive recruiters are the gatekeepers for the most coveted jobs in your industry. If you are an Executive and you aren’t working with executive recruiters during your job search, you are missing …
How to Promote Yourself in Job Interviews Without Sounding Arrogant
During your job interview, the interviewer will need to know that you are the best person for the job. But what if you aren’t comfortable with self-promotion? How can you …
10 Job Seeker Opportunities – Jobvite’s 2021 Recruiter Survey Report
Every year Jobvite surveys hundreds of recruiters and HR professionals for its annual Recruiter Nation Report to determine where the industry’s priorities lie and current hiring trends. The 2021 report …
How to Rebuild Career Confidence to Re-enter the Workforce
Career re-entry is probably the toughest career move to make. It requires someone who hasn’t worked in a while to jump back into the job search, identify their most marketable …
Proven Strategies for Overcoming Career Roadblocks
In Part 1 of my Career Exploration series, I share how to take stock of your current situation and do a deep dive into what’s really important for you in …
How to Get Started Exploring All Your Career Options
If you are like most people, you are fairly content in your career. You’re probably also really good at what you do. After all, you’ve probably been doing it for …